Awakening, acrylic painting with structure and gold effects, 60 x 80 cm, ready to hang

Awakening, acrylic painting with structure and gold effects, 60 x 80 cm, ready to hang


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Academicians P.P. Garjajev and V.I. Govorov conducted an experiment with the text of the prayer "Our Father" (or "Otče naš" or "Otčnise") in the genetic Slavonic original. The text of the prayer was printed using a laser printer and scanned using a biological laser. The information obtained was converted into images and sounds. The prayer shone in all the colors of the rainbow, accompanied by a fantastic melody.
Wake up!
In heaven above,
be sanctified
your name. Come
your kingdom.  Be done
your will,
as in heaven,
so on earth.
Our daily bread
give us today,
and forgive us
our debts,
like us
forgive our debtors.
And lead us not
in temptation,
but deliver us
from the evil one.
The prayer, as well as the image, represent the awakening of the divine in man.
Pjotr Garjajev has also experimentally determined, among other things, that when certain tones are pronounced, certain parts of the DNA begin to glow in a certain color.
He also discovered that human DNA, especially that of a small child, sounds like a beautiful symphony.
Thus, I tried to depict with my painting a kind of union of the “divine spark”, the written word, colors and sound.
I have “worked” this energetically and informatively into my picture with the idea that it should send out this information.

The picture was part of the members’ exhibition of the art association KUNSTRAUM Churfranken “Music in Pictures” and can be seen in the Löw Haus in Klingenberg until the end of November.